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Affordable and effective. Our trainers recommend 'getting back to the basics.'
We maintain ratings on all of the products that we support. If the product does not average at least a 4/5, then we remove it. When you buy something from our site, please send us an email telling us what you think of the product.
The Ultimate Guide to Resolving Pain, Preventing Injury, and Optimizing Performance
Volume 2
Not a necessity, but a great way to keep yourself motivated.
Used by Physical therapists, putty is a great way to increase hand and arm strength gently.
Thank you Abi for recommending this book. It is a keeper!
This non slip mat is nice and thick. It is also awesome!
Learn what muscles you are using with each exercise.
Basic hand held weights to help build upper body strength.
This is a way to add a little resistance to the exercises that you have been working on.
Stretch a little farther. Gently, of course.
A fun and low impact way to get moving.
stretch your calves and feet while sitting. ++
"Caught you in the Act"
Items you need: small fish tank to hold the forms, plastic fish to attach to the forms, forms (that you can make).
The forms are displayed in a fish tank for everyone to take. Have fun decorating the fish tank and making your own forms. When a staff member does something that someone wants to recognize, they complete a form. Once the form is turned in, the 'fish keeper' tapes a fish to the form. The form is then given to the employee.
Employees not only get to keep the plastic fish, but they also can keep their certificates as a source of inspiration and for review time.
Optional fish tank decorations
Optional fish tank decorations. It is recommended to attach these to the bottom of the tank.
A small fish tank
Optional tank decorations
Optional fish tank decorations. It is recommended to attach these to the bottom of the tank.
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